Monday, 7 June 2010

A change of mind

For some time I was a fellow-traveller with the socialists; I believed that the needs of people are more important than the greedy aspirations of Big Business and the banks. And this I still believe. Nevertheless I was not a Labour voter, as I've been vehemently opposed to the EU for years. But I've now come to recognise that I don't want to identify myself with any vestige of socialism. Why?

1. Bureaucratic Tyranny. In the last 13 years the Labour Party has brought in untold tyranny through the enactment of more than 4000 new laws to criminalise ordinary members of the public; placing the wrong type of rubbish in a bin could bring down the force of justice. Smokers are now lepers who hang around outside pubs. These new laws were nor designed to correct injustice - but to wear down ordinary people through myriads of infringements of their right to mind their own legitimate business and express their opinions. (Big Brother Watch - bless them - faithfully catalogues the persecutions of citizens through these draconian Labour laws.) I realise that most of these laws have been passed down from Brussels (the devil's socialist playground), but this does not excuse Labour parliamentarians. When they talk piously about a just and fair society, I really wonder who benefits from this 'justice.' Only the Treasury and the courts reap any rewards.

2. Imposed 'equality'. For some time it has been the objective of government to favour some marginal groups while deliberately ignoring the views of the majority. This has brought about the stifling of a Christian voice in a country that has a Christian value system integral to its social and judicial system. Woe betide any Christian who declares his beliefs concerning the practice of homosexuality - he or she is likely to feel the hand of the state on his or her shoulder. The majority of people feel that their feelings and views matter less than those of another group. I know the reasons for this - and they are sinister, as they are cynically designed to change the cultural values of the public. This is social engineering, and Labour have accelerated it at an alarming rate.

3. Other people's wars. These are the legacy of a morally bankrupt party who deceived the public.

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